Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lemon Steamed Salmon, Herbed Roast Butter Squash, Small avocado side salad


Marinated three 6 oz. steaks in 3 tbspn olive oil, 1/4 tspn. sea salt, 2 grinds pepper, juice from 1 lemon for 20 min's in the fridge.
Placed in microwave steamer and steamed according to directions. I was a little bit skeptical about microwaved fish, but this came out tender and beautifully flavored all the way through.

Herbed Roast Butternut Squash:

This is an in season vegetable at the moment, and quite cheap. High in fiber, potassium, and vitamin B, this makes an excellent addition to the dinner plate at this time of year. Check Costco for pre-chopped squash which is, dollar for dollar, cheaper than buying it whole and chopping it yourself. This recipe is adapted from the one that was on the package I bought while there.

Preheat oven to 350.
2 1/2 cups butternut squash, chopped
1 1/2 tbspn. brown sugar
1 1/2 tbspn olive oil
1 cup red onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tblspn fresh sage, chopped
1 tblspn butter, qaurtered

Combine squash, oil, brown sugar, garlic, and onion in a bowl, toss gently until squash is evenly coated with other ingredients. Lay in single layer on a baking tray, back at 350 for 30 minutes or until squash is tender. (I stirred once but don't think that was needed).

Place the butter in the bottom of a medium bowl, add cooked squash on top, and sprinkly with sage. Toss GENTLY until butter is melted and sage and butter evenly coat the squash.

I have to say, this really was a delicious recipe!

The salad was simply 1/4 avacado, sliced, laid over small portion of salad greens (normally we have bigger salads, but I forgot to pick up more at the store! DX

All said and done, the entire meal ran about 580 calories, and was fairly high in fat, but all of the fat was the healthy kind that comes from fish and avocado. Very filling and satisfying meal!

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